Title I » Transportation


Transportation Procedures

Working to keep learners experiencing homelessness in school is a key component of the McKinney-Vento Program. The district provides transportation to and from the school of origin, at the parent or guardian’s request whenever possible. All transportation is provided through the district’s transportation department.

If a learner that is experiencing homelessness requests transportation back to their school of origin, it is important to follow these steps:

  1. Make sure the current address and phone number is reflected in CSIU
  2. Ensure the learner is coded as “Homeless”.
  3. Contact the Director of Student Services and the Director of Transportation.

The parent will be contacted by the McKinney-Vento Liaison and or Director of Transportation once a route is established.

Transportation Policy


The district shall provide transportation for homeless students to their school of origin or the school they choose to attend within the school district.[1][6][20]


If the school of origin is outside district boundaries or homeless students live in another district but will attend their school of origin in this district, the school districts shall agree upon a method to apportion the responsibility and costs of the transportation.[6]